.NET 开发中的一些小技巧集锦。这篇文章来自是Mukund Pujari的《Some Cool Tips for .NET》,本人给大家翻译总结一下,我英语水平也就那么回事,不合适的地方还是请大家提出来。
1. 如何创建一个可改变大小没有标题栏的窗体?(How to create a form with resizing borders and no title bar?)
form1.Text = string. Empty;
form1.ControlBox = false;
2. 如何在.NET的Windows窗体上启用XP主题集?(How to use XP Themes with Windows Forms using the .NET?)
static void Main()
Application. Run(new Form1());
3. 如何为一个窗体设置一个默认按钮?(How to set the default button for a form?)
form1.AcceptButton = button1;
4. 如何为一个窗体设置一个取消按钮?(How to set the Cancel button for a form?)
form1.CancelButton = button1;
5. 如何阻止一个窗体标题显示在任务栏上?(How to prevent a form from being shown in the taskbar?)
6. 如何用现有可用字体绑定到ComboBox控件?(How to fill a ComboBox with the available fonts?)
comboBox1.Items.AddRange (FontFamily.Families);
7. 如何禁止TextBox控件默认的邮件菜单?(How to disable the default ContextMenu of a TextBox?)
textBox1.ContextMenu = new ContextMenu ();
8. 如何获取“我的文档”等一些系统文件夹路径?(How to get the path for "My Documents" and other system folders?)
MessageBox.Show(Environment.GetFolderPath( Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal ));
9. 如何获取应用程序当前执行的路径?(How to get the path to my running EXE?)
string appPath = Application.ExecutablePath;
10. 如何确定当前运行的系统?(How to determine which operating system is running?)
OperatingSystem os = Environment.OSVersion;
11. 如何从完整的路径中获取文件名?(How to get a file "s name from the complete path string?)
用System.IO.Path.GetFileName 和 System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(无扩展名)的方法
12. 如何从完整的路径中获取文件扩展名?(How to get a file "s extension from the complete path string?)
13. 如何使没有选择日期的DateTimePicker控件为空文本?(How to make the DateTimePicker show empty text if no date is selected?)
dateTimePicker1.CustomFormat = " ";
dateTimePicker1.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Custom;
14. 如何在Report Viewer中隐藏Crystal Report的状态栏?(How to hide the status bar of Crystal Report in Report Viewer?)
foreach(object obj in this.crystalReportViewer1.Controls)
if( obj.GetType()== typeof(System.Windows.Forms.StatusBar))
StatusBar sBar=(StatusBar)obj;